I’ll be listening to this episode too Nicole! As a reader, I’ve done a similar thing with filtering my Substack emails into folders so it’s manageable. As a writer, I’ve changed my Substack 3 times! Fine tuning my focus and creative process. I prefer it to blogging because as Stacy said, you don’t feel like you’re publishing into the void. The main reason I’ve got a Substack is because I want to write shorter pieces (shorter than a book) and go through the process of creating and publishing, and dealing with everything that comes up during that process! It’s growing me!

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Totally makes sense! And it can definitely be a process to find your flow and focus. Do you feel like you've settled on something that feels good right now?

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Yes I do! I’m really loving what I’m writing about (the topic), how I’m writing about it (the perspective) and when I’m writing (a monthly rather than a weekly rhythm - even though I post weekly). I really appreciated your comment about experimenting on here, Nicole. How is your experiment going?

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I just listened to your podcast and I’ve had a similar journey with Mailchimp, then Drip, and now Flodesk on your recommendation. I’ve got the legacy price too and I’m looking to self publish now so I’ll definitely keep it for customized communications that Substack isn’t designed for. I’m seeing my Substack as a publishing platform and not email management so I need both 😊

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Totally makes sense, and so nice to have that clarity.

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Yes, always love a good experiment. :) Sometimes that's the only way to know if something will work for us. I'm really enjoying using Substack again, especially connecting like this in the comments.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Nicole Gulotta

Perfect timing! I'm eager to listen to this one in particular Nicole -- not from the perspective of "should I start a Substack" but as a consumer of Substacks. Overnight every single writer I admire has a Substack and it's so overwhelming I find myself wanting to avoid the whole medium. (As another writer friend said, it feels like suddenly the universe opened up a new firehose and turned on the water full blast aimed right at me!) How to find the middle ground and neither avoid nor drown in Substack; that's what's hard to figure out. It's a familiar struggle, right? With so much great content out there, when does one do her own writing? Not to mention reading poetry collections, novels, etc. etc. Where's the balance? ;) So again, thanks for this and excited to listen.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Author

I don't talk as much about the reader perspective in this episode, but it's such a good point! I had a similar reaction to you with the onslaught of emails. Here's how I've handled everything in case it's helpful!. First, I filtered the promotional emails from Substack (like recommendations and things like that) into a "SUBSTACK" folder in my gmail so those wouldn't be in my inbox at all. That helped a ton! Then I decided to *also* filter the free newsletters I subscribed to. When the welcome email comes through after signing up, I filter it into a "SUBSTACK NEWSLETTERS FREE" folder so they skip my inbox. Finally, I also filter "SUBSTACK NEWSLETTERS PAID" so they have a separate folder, but let those stay in my inbox. After doing that, I found consuming Substacks really delightful. When I'm in the mood and want to see what's new, I just go into the designated folder to browse when it's convenient for me vs. feeling overwhelmed/behind in my inbox.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Nicole Gulotta

I like that a lot!

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I'm looking forward to listening to the episode to hear more of your thoughts! For years, I wanted to start a newsletter, but for various reason (cost, imposter syndrome, etc.), I talked myself out of it. But earlier this year, I decided to use Substack as a newsletter (as well as an occasional place to write essays). I'm not sure why it felt less intimidating, but for me, it was! I am curious to see if it stays the way they say it will—without algorithms, etc. But like you said, with the addition of notes, it seems like they are somewhat trying to be a social media platform. TBD, I suppose. I also love the community aspect of it vs. just writing on my blog/website which can kind of feel like you're just sending your words into the abyss.

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Love how you noticed that feeling of openness/readiness and decided to trust it. And I agree, there's something appealing about the community potential (like this!) where you can actually chat and have meaningful conversations vs. just sending everything into the void.

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I listened and enjoyed your thoughts! I agree that Substack isn’t as pretty as other newsletters. For years, I wanted Flodesk, because they all look so beautiful! But I didn’t want to pay for it, since I didn’t even have much of readership yet.

I had a conversation with another writer recently about the idea of needing to post more on Substack. I agree with you and not wanting to put that pressure on myself. Also, as a reader, I would be overwhelmed to get multiple emails/posts from the same writer each week.

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Yes! As both a reader and a writer, the frequency of emails can feel like a lot.

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