I felt the pull this summer to slow down and give myself permission to rest. I am almost 10,000 words away from being done with my rough draft. A different version of me would have tried to stress a way into getting pushing harder, but the theme of white space (from you and other authors I follow) urged me to ease up on the gas and enjoy the ride a little. Especially with my twin 8 year olds at homeπŸ™‚

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Love that you recognized the need to slow down and not push through like you may have done in the past. And with twins, 100% a necessary choice!

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Nicole Gulotta

This summer has been crazier than any time in my life - my husband retires from (and closes) his law practice in 3 weeks after 40 years...we are moving three hours away soon...so is my 86 year old mother...I am co-ordinating two house sales and two house moves that need to happen at roughly the same time...I am the only driver in both households! I have been trying to find time to write, carving out little spaces here and there. Feeling inadequate in ALL departments currently! But I can see (or manifest) a time when I WILL have space to breathe, to just be and to create. Seeing it and believing it is the important thing. Happy September and thank you for your wonderful and inspiring content.

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Sep 7, 2023Β·edited Sep 11, 2023Author

Hi Rachel, Sounds like you're deep in a life season at the moment with a lot to navigate mentally and logistically. Knowing that writing time you crave is on the horizon must be such a balm. Do you have a few minutes each day (maybe right before bed) to write in your journal? In busier times like this, that's one of the practices I fall back on because it's low-pressure but helps me connect with that part of myself, even if it's just a sentence or two.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Nicole Gulotta

That's great advice, thank you Nicole. I have been trying it over the weekend...taking 15 minutes at the end of the day when the house is quiet and it seems to be working just now, while there isn't room for much else...

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Lovely! I'm so glad this feels accessible for the time being.

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