WILD WORDS is a few things. It’s a book (my second), a podcast, and a community of sensitive writers looking for a little support in an overstimulating world.

The name takes inspiration from Mary Oliver’s poem “Morning,” that I first read back in 2015, while I was sitting in the living room as my newborn slept in his rocker. Like all mothers before me, I was facing a complete transformation, including everything I ever thought I knew about how to be a creative person.


Salt shining behind its glass cylinder.
Milk in a blue bowl. The yellow linoleum.
The cat stretching her black body from the pillow.
The way she makes her curvaceous response to the small, kind gesture.
Then laps the bowl clean.
Then wants to go out into the world
where she leaps lightly and for no apparent reason across the lawn,
then sits, perfectly still, in the grass.
I watch her a little while, thinking:
what more could I do with wild words?
I stand in the cold kitchen, bowing down to her.
I stand in the cold kitchen, everything wonderful around me.

Since those sleep-deprived days, I’ve reckoned with my relationship to creativity, opting to embrace seasons and cyclical living, create at the pace of my nervous system, and prioritize rest and mental health.

Much of my work is about encouraging others to do the same. I write about nourishment in all forms, navigating loss and healing, and cultivating self-compassion, among other things. To this end, my Substack is not about the craft of writing, but crafting a sustainable creative life.

About me

I’m an author, podcast host, tea drinker, rest advocate, and INFJ. I consider myself an encourager at heart, which is why I spend a lot of time sharing insights, tools, and ideas for slowing down, caring for yourself in all the ways, and creating at a pace that feels good for you, not an algorithm.

You should know I’m a writer who's figured out a few things in her career, but I’m also on the journey just like you. I still struggle with self-doubt, get nervous whenever I pitch something, and struggle to blend creativity, work, and motherhood successfully.

This is a messy road, and we’re in it together now. (For a more formal bio, head here.)

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Helping sensitive writers embrace creative seasons, rest practices, curiosity, and self-compassion, from the author of WILD WORDS and EAT THIS POEM.


Author of WILD WORDS and EAT THIS POEM. Host of the Wild Words podcast. I help sensitive writers embrace the season they're in, create at their own pace, and care for their minds and bodies along the way.